Friday, April 6, 2012

Taking a break

Taking a break from talking about my journey into MasterChef. Just wanted to talk about one of my hobbies besides cooking. One other favourite thing I do when I have the time for is gaming. PC gaming to be precise and console from time to time. But with the hectic schedule I've been having since I left MasterChef, I have yet to have time to indulge in gaming, I only have time to watch my brother or my friends play as I continue doing my work on the laptop. If I'm not cooking, I'm putting something together on the laptop.

Soon, Video Games Lives  is going to happen in Malaysia and obviously I'm going since I missed the previous one. Suddenly I'm transported back to when I was a kid and playing with my Micro Genius with my brother or my cousin. I start humming to the theme of each game that I use to play with, Mario, Tetris, Donkey Kong, Pacman, Islander, Ninja, goodness, too many! The 8 bit sound seems to be embedded in my memory that I can easily hum the tune of any of it. Pretty much shows how much time I spent on these games when I was younger.

Recently, during April's Fool Day, Google came up with a something that made me smile and feel like a kid all over again! Google Maps became 8 bit!!! I know it's a little old news but heck, I loved the concept!!! I found out about this through a friend of mine on Facebook when he posted it on my wall. Clicking the link brought me to this!!!

 Taken from Google Maps

Imagine my reaction! It's so freaking cool! Everything is in 8 bit! It's so fitting and we're less than 2 months away from VGL in Malaysia. I started exploring it and memories started flooding in. How me and my brother would fight over the games to play, and at my cousin's place I would watch her play (she plays better than me and it's her console anyway) Another friend of mine posted a link for a video.

Google! I love you for this! Made me wanted to go purchase the cartridge instantly and go out and hunt for a console that could play this! But obviously it was a joke for April's Fool but seriously, I would buy it if it existed. The best part out of the video is when the father inserted the cartridge and it didn't work. To make it work, you had to blow the cartridge to get rid of the dust so that it would function. And funny how all gamers knew that, that would fix the problem to play the cartridge.  

I think if Google did sell the cartridge, it would sell like hotcakes. Anyway, talking about all this has brought me back to my gaming days. After Micro Genius, Sega consoles started getting popular, and of all the games that we played, Sonic was the best. I never had a Sega console, only my cousin did so it was a routine to go to her place to play. Most of the time she would play it while I did the easy task. 

My favourite part of the whole game is during the bonus round. To get it perfect at everything stage is almost impossible (To me the least).

After Sega, Game Boy came into the picture. My brother bought the Game Boy Color with all his saving and also got the accessories with it. We would fight over it, and he always give me the advantage of playing it till I got bored. After Game Boy, Playstation was the big hit everywhere. We couldn't afford one yet, we were jealous of the people who could. Once we could buy one, this is where my obsession with Final Fantasy came in. I would watch my brother played FF7 for hours and hours. When FF8 appeared, he started playing the game first. I watch on the side. After he completed the game, I started playing it myself and I was hooked! I would spend hours and hours to get everything perfect. Doing side quests, getting everything to 100, I think I spent more than 100 hours on the game or to be exact 196 hours. I continued playing all the FF titles there is.

This was before going to college. At the same time, PC's were getting cheaper and my family invested in one. I was always active in computer classes during high school and learned a lot from it. Dial-up was available at that time so we subscribed to it. This open a whole new world to me. First ever PC game I played, Starcraft. Hooked to the very end of it. It was the most amazing game ever. My obsession with PC gaming started and occasionally would play with PS but my brother was more into console while I was getting hooked to PC games. Good thing, we didn't have to fight, he would play his console while I played on PC. 

When I headed to college, my parents got me a laptop for me to do my assignments. The Sims took over my life. Being a fanatic of The Sims, I spent many hours after finishing my assignments and socializing playing this game. It expanded my horizon on PC gaming. I started learning how to play FPS at Cyber Cafes. Counter Strike to be exact. Would spent hours with my friends playing this and I was literally the only girl in the Cyber Cafes. 

More games came into the picture, Warcraft, Dungeon Siege, Titan Quest, Command and Conquer, Unreal Tournament, DOTA and also Ragnarok Online (Yes, I did play this MMORPG, I even did a group assignment based on this game during college :P) were some of the games that I would play very often. The apartment I use to stay in was turned into a LAN party to play all these game. Those were the days of gaming, not enough sleep, sometimes skipping class, not eating dinner or lunch. 

But all of us grew up and now responsibilities of  being an adult takes over. Less time for gaming. I haven't played much and I really miss it. When VGL was announced, my urge to play suddenly appeared but yet, I have not played much. Nowadays, I would watch my brother play his games on the PS3 when I'm back at home. Kinda lost my touch on gaming. 

My brother is an avid console gamer. At the same time, he does business with it. He provides all sorts of consoles, games and accessories. This is his Facebook Page if anyone is interested to buy any games Kyo's Mini Game Mart. He does Cash on Delivery and is well known in Lowyat Forum as it is where he started at. Me and my brother are in the middle of putting something together to celebrate the fact that VGL is coming and here is a sneak preview. 

"The cake, is not, a lie." :P

You think you know what is it? Stay tuned! :)



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